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Book quickly and easily
We serve you in 3 locations, Jätkäsaari and Kallio Helsinki and Tikkurila Vantaa. Book your appointment via our quick and easy online booking system or call straight to the shop:
Länsisatamankatu 23 B
050 5565 413
Neljäs Linja 17-19
050 3556 331
Hernetie 1
040 3550 242
We recommend primarily to prefer our online booking, and to familiarize yourself with our services on our website.
Cancellations should be made no later than 12 hours earlier or a cancellation fee will be charged according to the price list.
The easiest way is to move or cancel your appointment from the link in the booking confirmation email, if there are at least 12 hours to the start of the appointment.
If there are less than 12 hours to the start of the appointment, you must cancel the appointment directly by calling our store.